2015 Summer Reading List for Marketers #2

09 Jun

Creating a Circular Webcam

To create a circle webcam in OBS, follow these steps:

Download the Mask Image: First, download the mask image that will be used to shape your webcam into a circle. You can find these images on various websites or create your own using image editing software.
Create a New Scene: In OBS, create a new scene or use an existing one where you want to add your webcam.

Add Video Capture Device: Add a Video Capture Device to the scene by clicking the “+” button under the “Sources” section and selecting “Video Capture Device”. Choose your webcam from the device dropdown menu.

Apply Image Mask: Right-click on the Video Capture Device and click on the “+” under the “Effect Filters” section. Select “Image Mask/Blend”. Set the type to “Alpha Mask (Alpha Channel)” and browse to the circle mask image you downloaded.

Adjust Position and Size: Adjust the position and size of the webcam by clicking and dragging the corners of the webcam source.

Add Border (Optional): If you want to add an animated border, you can add a Media Source to your scene and choose the animated border file (like a .webm file). Adjust the color and other settings as needed.

Start Streaming or Recording: Once everything is set up, you can start streaming or recording your content.

Heading goes Here

Phasellus non euismod ligula. Sed aliquam, quam a venenatis scelerisque, felis augue tristique urna, quis finibus velit metus et ligula. Suspendisse on diam felisur interdum.

Heading goes Here

Phasellus non euismod ligula. Sed aliquam, quam a venenatis scelerisque, felis augue tristique urna, quis finibus velit metus et ligula. Suspendisse on diam felisur interdum.

Praesent vehicula sapien ligula, nec dapibus quam ultrices vitae. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam turpis arcu, tincidunt ut blandit et, ornare ac lectus. Curabitur placerat lectus magna, ac feugiat neque sodales ullamcorper. Fusce erat orci, interdum quis placerat id, lacinia et risus.



  1. Gina Alessia | January 8, 2025 at 5:29 pm

    Aenean mollis elementum metus, in vehicula orci. Suspendisse lacus orci, euismod finibus fringilla at, auctor eget purus. Curabitur interdum pretium imperdiet.

    • skat | January 8, 2025 at 5:29 pm

      Phasellus non euismod ligula. Sed aliquam, quam a venenatis scelerisque, felis augue tristique urna, quis finibus velit metus et ligula. Suspendisse on diam felisur interdum.

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